
Parties & Special EventsHalloween Party Dates Announced!

June 12, 2020by Little Splodgers
Halloween pumpkin
Pumpkin heads

Come and enjoy one of our fabulous Halloween Parties! They run for 2 hrs and feature 2 Halloween crafts, bouncy castle, music, singing, puppets and bubbles, as well as spooky snack bags for children and free tea, coffee and biscuits for the adults. The parties this year are being held on Friday 30th and Saturday...

Come and enjoy one of our fabulous Halloween Parties!

They run for 2 hrs and feature 2 Halloween crafts, bouncy castle, music, singing, puppets and bubbles, as well as spooky snack bags for children and free tea, coffee and biscuits for the adults.

The parties this year are being held on Friday 30th and Saturday 31st October.

Places are available on a first come first served basis and early booking is recommended to avoid disappointment.

Drop us an email to book your place!

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Greenwich - 07738 772 593
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07738 772 593
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