Painty child with bowl

WEEKLY CLASSESWeekly Arts & Crafts classes

For children from 12 months upwards.

Our fabulous classes feature innovative Arts & Crafts ideas. Your little one will enjoy different techniques and textures throughout the term as they explore a range of activities designed to inspire and stimulate their senses in a safe, secure and social environment.

Our Little Splodgers class leaders host fun, structured and educational classes for children from 12 months of age. They will learn new skills, make friends and, above all, have fun!

We pride ourselves on creating a warm and friendly atmosphere where you'll meet the same faces each week. Class sizes are kept deliberately small - so as a group everyone gets to know each other - and it has been the foundation for many beautiful friendships - both for adults as well as children!

All of our activities follow Early Years guidelines and align with, (and in many cases exceed), the expectations of EYFS - which will help to give your child a massive head start as they head into
the next stages of their education.
Painty child with bowl
Little Splodgers Character
Blue splodge
Red splat
Child with Dad


Join us on a journey of discovery and exploration where you and your child can engage in all the benefits of creative play together in a safe, nurturing and above all, fun environment.
Explore ideas
Child with Owl


Our Little Splodgers classes aim to inspire you and your little one's imaginations as to the endless possibilities of Art!
To inspire the children's own creative thinking - to create what their mind sees - which is not necessarily what an adult mind sees. It's their choice. And in Art, there is no right and wrong - only self expression.
Inspires creative thinking and problem solving
Promotes whole brain learning
Inspiring self expression and freedom of choice
Child with Owl
Tom with fish


The pride that a child feels after creating their own artwork cannot be underestimated! And at Little Splodgers our structured programme encourages all children to create their own work!
Creating a sense of pride and accomplishment
Creates an increased awareness of the world
We create 2 crafts in every session
Izzi painting hand


Children will discover through an array of materials and techniques that art is limited only by our imaginations. And our classes will help build the foundations for learning in a safe, happy and stimulating environment - all while having lots of fun!
Discover new materials
Discover new tools and techniques
Discover new language and communication skills
Izzi painting hand
Child threading beads


Little Splodgers encourages independence in the little ones and will help to develop key skills that will ease their transition into the next stage of their early years learning!
Developing fine and gross motor skills
Developing focus and concentration
Developing self-confidence and social skills
Contact us
Greenwich - 07738 772 593
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Contact us
07738 772 593
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Little Splodgers is a limited company registered in England-12788140      ICO registration-ZA822964